
Artist Arena is a member's platform by and for artists. With a clear mission to build a positive community to support more artists to pursue their dream. We strive towards creating a curated experience for both artists and art collectors.

Artist ArenaHelp center

Help center

Talk to our Art Scout

Monday-Friday 10:00 – 18:00.
+46 768-54 80 38

Common questions

You apply by clicking “Apply” in the right-hand menu or in the bottom menu section. After which you follow the 4 easy steps to submit your artist application with text information and images.

We generally review all incoming applications within 3-5 business days. If approved, your Portfolio will be visible right away!

Yes. Artist Arena is a member’s platform by and for artists. We offer memberships in 3 different categories; 3, 6 or 12 months. These cost €65, €99 or €180. The well-filled packages all provide access to a personal digital Portfolio (which you have access to update as you please), our unique Buddy Program, our Artist Arena Member’s Group on Facebook, access to our E-Books and availability to receive client inquiries. In addition, our 6 and 12 months memberships also enable access to our Webinars, Group Coaching Sessions and our brand new Artist Arena Market, where member artists can sell their art directly through Artist Arena. You can see more membership specifics when you go to “Apply”.
