Daydreaming of that perfect orange farm

By: Cecilia Hällström

Original artwork




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Year: 2023

Framed: Framed

Orientation: Vertical

Size: Medium

  • Watercolor
Art genres:
  • Watercolor

An oak frame included
See more by this artist
  • Watercolor
  • Watercolor

More from Cecilia Hällström

Cecilia Hällström


My name is Cecilia and I was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden where I currently reside today. I’m so happy you discovered my art and I look forward to sharing my passion with you. I started painting when I was just a little girl as art has always been a type of therapy for me. Whether I’m happy, sad or anxious I resort to painting to help me express my emotions through art. In doing this, space and time fades away and a personal masterpiece is created. I have tried many different styles and methods over the years but have found my way to specializing in watercolor. Some of my favourite things about being an artist is the ability to bring the art with me everywhere I go. I also love to challenge myself and push my limits to further expand my skill set. Working with watercolor is exactly the kind of challenge I love. You never know how the watercolor will react on paper which results in a unique piece of work each time and provides me with a new perspective on the medium. I hope you will find my art exciting and join me in my artistic journey.


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