
Artist Arena is a member's platform by and for artists. With a clear mission to build a positive community to support more artists to pursue their dream. We strive towards creating a curated experience for both artists and art collectors.

Artist ArenaPortfoliosSadaf Ahmadi


SADAF AHMADI was born in 1985.

She is a multidisciplinary artist educated in Sooreh university in Tehran and Karnameh institute under the mentorship of Abbas Kiarostami.

After 16 years of practice in different fields of cinema, she moved to Sweden and her first exhibition released in 2023 in France and in a short while she was invited to 5 more shows in the same year.

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I am inspired by the life of Iran and political situation for women and my experiences towards the past of freedom.

MA in cinema university of Sooreh in Tehran, Iran.

Örebro - Concrete Setting 2024 14th june - 15th October.
Artist Arena Showroom: 4/6-16/6, Exhibition opening 6/6.

Sculpture - Concrete, Fabric ,
Canvas - Print , paint , Concrete paving

Sculptures: Paving the fabrics with concrete while they're hanged on the head of a foam mannequin head like veils and I then I hang the figure from the installation or ceiling. Pictures : There's a picture printed on a canvas which is merged with my paining paved under the concrete. We ask the audience who wants to participate in the performanc of opening the concrete to tap into concrete and break it to find the pictures behind it.
