
Artist Arena is a member's platform by and for artists. With a clear mission to build a positive community to support more artists to pursue their dream. We strive towards creating a curated experience for both artists and art collectors.

Artist ArenaPortfoliosIda Enstedt


My name is Ida and I live in Stockholm. I have been painting since I was a child and I always say that creating is my sanctuary. Where i can express feelings and thoughts that sometimes are hard to put into words. I usually paint with acrylic paint , completely following my intuition. My goal with my art is to make people feel something and be moved by it.

I sometimes combine my paintings with texts or messages that come to me while I’m painting them. A topic that is very close to my heart, and that always shines through when I paint, is my mental health journey.



I find inspiration in almost everything, but most of all in nature. I

Nacka gymnasium, (High School) direction image and shape (art program/profile).

You can see some of my paintings at Veluthe Ink; which is a tattoo studio in Uppsala, Sweden.

I always paint from intuition so the technique can vary. Often I paint with brushes or with my hands but sometimes i also blow out the paint or use different tools to create effects. Only the imagination sets limits.

I always start the process by turning on some music to feel the right mood. After that i blend the colors in different thicknesses and piece by piece cover the canvas. I paint in layers to create depth and contrast in my art.
