In my professional role, I have worked as an Art Director, creating ideas and visual expressions. I have always loved and been fascinated by the creative process. Now that I dedicate most of my time to painting, I recognize the oscillation between performance anxiety and euphoria; it never ceases to surprise and delight me, as it seems to be embedded in my DNA. In my abstract intuitive painting, I am passionate about simplicity, where the interaction between color and surface creates tension and something that moves me. I have no clear plan when I paint and rarely know where the motif will lead. The magic of gazing out over the sea and horizon never leaves me! For me, the unknown is the delightful challenge in my painting.

Observation No 29
Art, design, architecture, the sea, and nature. Young artists who are driven and know what they want with their artistry.
Berghs School of Communication.
Various courses in watercolor and figure drawing.
Summer exhibition in Lysekil, at Galleri Gamlestan.
Intuitive, layer upon layer, where often color and surfaces lead the way.