“I was born in 1963, born in Umeå, Sweden and have been painting since the 1980s. My works are often colorful and exciting in many layers upon layers of paint. Often with quite a lot of structure. Sometimes the artworks are fully abstract and landscape like, and sometimes they consist of people or characters. The paintings leave the viewer to discover and explore, while simultaneously providing a sense of harmony in color and composition.
What is important to me, in my creative process, is intuitive balance. In my artworks I want to generate a sort of harmony out of chaos, found in the cross point between color and form.
I balance shapeless paint with more structural elements. Preferrably I work on large canvases, so that my arm gets to play freely. There is an infinite number of techniques to explore with color, structure, shimmering materials and the more I work the more possibilities seem to pop up.” - Ewa Löfling

Bl dam 59x78 cm
“Driven by a wanderlust, I mainly paint on evenings and weekends. Currently, I am fascinated by the exploration of how different characters come to be expressed with a relaxed and colorful style that makes me happy. The very meaningful part of creation is the fantastic and euphoric sense when simply standing there, inside your bubble feeling that “now things are happening”. Much of the everyday life is routine-based, wheras the art is and sets you free.
I gather inspiration from newspapers, books, music, other artists and of course, life itself.” - Ewa Löfling
Ewa has participated in various training within acrylic and aquarelle painting with various artists as well as participated in different painting courses off- and online.
Ewa will be part of a group exhibition at Galleri Utopia in Umea, Sweden, March 23rd-April 10th, 2022.